BIO Robert J. Schneider

Robert J. Schneider

NYU School of Medicine, Alexandria Center for Life Sciences, New York US  |  CV

Prof. Schneider is an Associate Director of the NYU Cancer Institute. His lab research is directed to three major areas: (1) the molecular and genetic understanding of advanced breast cancers and the development of new treatment strategies and therapeutics for advanced breast cancers, focusing particularly on the role of protein synthesis and mTOR kinase regulation; (2) the molecular understanding of gene regulation by ionizing radiation, particularly its ability to regulate protein synthesis and use of this knowledge for development of new cancer treatment strategies; and (3) regulation of the inflammatory response by targeted rapid degradation of inflammatory cytokine mRNAs, and the connection to cancer development and progression. Recent insights from his group include the reprogramming of translation in DNA damage response and the role of RNA decay factors in cell senescence and aging.


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