“Integrative modeling reveals the principles of multi-scale domain boundary formation in nuclear organization”. Colin A. Semple

The comparison of chromatin features across different human cell types using quantitative model approaches reveals the most important common features regulating the chromatin organization. Moreover, the particular enrichment of specific DNA binding proteins helps to define specific active or inactive domains.

“Targeted and genome-wide views into the mechanisms of transcription and it’s regulation in living cells”. John T.Lis

How do cells regulate gene transcription upon a stress? At the Cornell University, Jhon Lis is trying to answer to this question. Using the heat shock response model in Drosophila his group localized the position at genome wide resolution of the RNA polymerase II (Pol II) determining its location, density and properties. Sensitive nuclear run-on assays (GRO-seq and PRO-seq) revealed a general regulation of the gene transcription in response to a heat shock. The model of a Pol II that “pause and escape” could be generally applied to the transcription cycle that is regulated in homeostasis and development.

“Massive and strikingly similar changes of the nuclear landscape during preimplantation development of fertilized and cloned bovine embryos”. Thomas Cremer

Thomas Cremer was one of the first supporter of the idea that high order chromatin arrangement and architecture of the nucleus are essential for fundamental nuclear functions. T.Cremer work is focused on the comparison of nuclear phenotypes in a variety of developmental stages in order to associate the nuclear architecture with specific features of the cells using three-dimensional confocal analysis and structures illumination microscopy (3D-SIM) techniques. As a pointed paint, where a cloud of pixels composes a unique final image, the analysis of the chromatin architecture within the nucleus at high resolution gives an image of the chromatin organization that control the cellular identity regulating the gene expression profile. Thanks to T.Cremer’s photographies at small resolution of the nuclear compartment of cloned embryos obtained from the transfer of a somatic nucleus in the bovine oocytes, important similarities and differences among different developmental stages were suggested.

About the Scientific Symposium

Each autumn, the Centre for Genomic Regulation leads one of the most exciting scientific events in Barcelona: the CRG Symposium.

This year’s 13th edition will be held on November the 6th – 7th at the Barcelona Biomedical Research Park auditorium, under the title “Gene Regulation, Stem Cells and Cancer.

Beyond gene and chromosome structure, epigenetic and genomic regulation, the 13th edition of the CRG symposium will bring into focus topics such as aging, cell transformation, cancer progression, gene transfer, cell therapy, embryonic development or reprogramming of cell fate. Year after year, the CRG Symposium draws together international leading scientists to present the most exciting developments happening in the field. Indeed, the 13th CRG Symposium seeks to stimulate the interaction among those devoted to take the scientific challenges facing the fields of gene regulation, stem cell, and cancer research today. In addition to the hosts, other major names in these fields have already confirmed their attendance to the 13th CRG symposium as leading speakers.

Showcased through extended poster sessions and highlighted by keynote presentations, this two-days symposium in gene regulation, stem cell and cancer research is not to be missed!


Registration and abstract submission deadline: (29 September 2014)

Registration is free and open for the scientific community, but the number of participants is limited.

Participants are invited to submit abstracts, a number of which will be selected for short talk and poster presentations. One-page abstracts should include a title, authors, affiliation(s), summary (max 200 words), references and a contact email.